Pomiń nawigację

Seria: Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego

Rodzaj publikacji: Raport

Rok wydania: 2021

Język: EN


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We present the report with the results of the seventh edition of the cross-sectional Human Capital Study.

The report is the end product of studies conducted in 2019 and 2020 among adult Poles, entrepreneurs and institutions belonging to the training and development sector, i.e.,  directly before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the team, this situation is a specific test, which allows them to interpret the dynamic phenomena taking place on Polish labour market and economy that, moved on a sine curve from the booming market in 2019 to the downturn in 2020. 
The pandemic was a peculiar event, a severe disruption that threw the economy off its normal course of development. Since the BKL Study has been partially carried out on a panel sample, allowing us to compare the situation of enterprises and individuals at subsequent points in time, we had an opportunity to trace the response to this extraordinary situation. In this report, we focus specifically on the change that occurred in the first year of the pandemic. In the future, when the pandemic finally subsides, we will be able to examine its ultimate consequences for the labour market.

We hope that the report will also allow us to present employers and employees’ significant response to the pandemic crisis as well as provoking a discussion on further development scenarios and expectations regarding the human capital development policy in Poland.

We invite you to read the report!

Spis treści

Table of contents

  • Foreword
  • Key takeaways from the 7th edition of surveys carried out under the Human Capital Study
  • Polish labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Companies resilient to crisis? Organisational culture and management methods of Polish companies
  • New strategies for new times? Investments of medium-sized and large enterprises in employees’ competence during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Development of competence of adult Poles in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

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